Saturday, January 11, 2014

Back pain from Shoveling

The last 10 days has been a massive winter "dump".  The snow fall seems un-ending and I have been getting alot of great outdoor time.  I love the clean look of a driveway after shoveling but hate that one crack in the sidewalk that catches my shovel tip just as I am going full speed with a big avalanche.  Well I also noted when my fingertips were painful, throbbing, I didn't realize my back was telling me "take a break!!!".  My mind was saying oh, just finish the last part of your driveway and it will stay dry magically forever.  Pain is usually delayed like whiplash....the next morning as the eyes open and the first step of the day is met with "whoa....did I sleep wrong?....oh....I shoveled yesterday!"  Then the realization is that it's still snowing so you have to do it again.
Muscle spasm if the activity is aggressive and blunt, will be felt accordingly at the time.  If activity is long and repetitive, the pain and inflammation is delayed up to 2-3 days.  It doesn't have to be an ache in one spot, pain can be a flare up of an old pinched nerve/bulging disc type pain.
The way the back is made is skin to outer layer, muscle covering (epimysium), muscle, fascia and bone.  The muscle is built to contract repetitively for life (think of the heart that beats every second for your entire life)  The problem our back muscles come into is the brain gets "superman strength" when reasoning about taking a break vs getting the job done now and going onto another chore.  With fatigue the muscle can still be stimulated to contract and do the job but lactic acid will accumulate, energy (ATP) will be used up, and some tendon fibers will tear (microscopically) and imbibe blood/edema slowly (versus a skin cut where blood comes out fast).  With a slow leak throughout broad low back muscle, swelling and stiffness will occur after about 12-24 hours.  Usually felt next morning.....same concept as whip lash.  With my previous post on whip last, there can always be pinched nerves, broken back bones, herniated discs....but those are usually sudden onset.  (only way to tell is to see a professional)
My best advise is to
1-do no further harm, lay off further shoveling, no exercise for 3 days, take brakes if you have a sitting job.
2-start with antiinflammatories immediately, that could be supplements like turmeric/magnesium, topicals like helicrysium/capsaisin/wintergreen, or prescription medicines/muscle relaxers/NSAIDS/narcotic pain relief.
3-get hands on healing, your choice of chiropractor, massage therapist, physical therapist, a relative with strong hands
4-raise the flag and see an MD/DO if urine or bowel incontinence occurs, pain doesn't allow sleep, numbness or tingling start, cant get out of bed, symptoms longer than 3 days