Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Exercise Intensity

CoachRic's guide to advancing your activity:

1-Determine your Base-everyone starts at a different level of fitness, age, experience, limiting disease.  Expectation is to improve endurance, strength and speed over a period of time.  Rest should also be calculated into your exercise planning.  (there should be a fail safe duration of time in case of "push and crash"-see last paragraph)

-Assessment of TARGET HEART RATE (sometimes known as lactic acid threshold)
(calculate Maximal Heart Rate-MHR = 220-age)

Blue zone for warm up and recovery ................50-60% of MHR
Green zone for fundamental endurance ............60-70% of MHR
Yellow zone for active endurance.  ...................70-80% of MHR
Orange zone for resistance.  ..............................80-90% of MHR
Red zone heavy resistance. .............................90-100% of MHR (difficult to measure)

-Rate of Perceived Exertion can also be used
1   rest
2   very light
3   light
4   fairly light
5   somewhat hard
7   hard
8   extremely hard
9   very hard
10 maximum exhertion
(note RPE is a bit harder to dial in as it is very subjective BUT it serves as being directional to advance effort)

2-Determine fitness goals, calendar deadlines and health outcome goals. Advance in a linear or cyclic approach to pushing to the point of "uncomfortable muscle pain" and holding for a preset amount of time then rest.  Not regarding repetitions or sets... this is just the sessions per week.  Ultimate goal is to drive enough muscle work to stimulate mitochondrial bio genesis WITHOUT hitting the wall and crashing.  Avoiding the injury of hitting the wall will keep a time efficient plan to get to summit.  For Chicagoans, I expect to take advantage of spring summer and early fall and get as close to goals then stabilize and hold through out winter months until the plan for next year.  
-Build Muscle
-Lose Weight
-Improve Performance (get around a plateau)
-Balance/Reverse Disease

3-Overload / Adapt / Progress within each Phase
(even with no desire to add resistance, cardio training itself can lead to overuse injury)

Phase 1-work on deficiency of endurance, strength, flexibility, imbalance
-steady linear progression during this phase finding proper rest, nutrition, exercise type
Phase 2-work on undulating progression of cardio/endurance/overload 
-more specific for end goal / summit
-adjust load, tempo, volume, rest time and weekly order of exercise
Phase 3-testing efficacy of training in mock end goal / summit 
-care for co morbid conditions of obese, age, prior injury and medical disease

The Saguil Approach is to push skeletal muscle / cardiovascular fitness / immune system to its limit.
In some cases disease symptoms must be controlled first with aggressive medical management.  Often before starting with Phase 1, 
-Physical therapy will have to be called in to help balance skeletal alignment and regional dyskinesia.  -Psychological therapy will be just as crucial to maximize morale and endure the trials of work and sacrifice 
-Nutritional therapy would be a crucial asset during Phase 2 as we find balance with attaining maximal heart rate and building muscle while staving off pain and not adding to central fat.
I feel when the heart brain and muscle are fine tuned to maximize on cellular / metabolic flexibly, the immune system will be reset and autophagy will clean up misfiring cells and inflammation.
-Coaches will be hand picked, I act as Captain and the team is there to guide you to success.